So, yesterday I told you that I taught myself to knit at age 35 from a book I got at a yard sale in 1981. Yes, 30 years ago. In today’s modern world you can go online and learn to knit. There are quite several sites with good instructions, but one of the very best is They have easy to follow videos as well as written instructions. Another good site I just found is, which I mentioned yesterday. TKGA has a free to anyone learn to knit page that gives very good “printed” instructions: They also have good extended knitting courses for members and a fee (I know that I posted the TKGA links yesterday, but feel they are worth posting again). Individual membership for TKGA is $30.00 per year for US residents and you get a subscription to their quarterly magazine “CAST OFF”, which has good articles to increase your knitting knowledge and skills. As I mentioned yesterday I intend to take all the “foundation” courses in preparation of entering the Masters program.
Yesterday afternoon (1-3P) I went to decorative cast on class at the LYS taught by the LYS owner. It was fun and now I know 4 decorative ways to cast on:
1. Picot cast on -
There were all pretty easy to do, once you see how to do them and they each have their own use and purpose. They are each quite lovely in their own way.
I didn’t get much knitting done yesterday except the class. There was church in the morning then time for a quick lunch before the class. During class I started coming down with a cold or something and went home to doctor myself to get well before this morning.
Yesterday I mentioned completing 8 projects. Here are pictures of a few of the completed projects:
This is the “Happy Sweater” size 5 knit for my 3 year old granddaughter. I knit this sweater 5 times before I was happy with the outcome. It is acrylic and I had to purchase new yarn between attempt # 4 and 5. Right now it fits her like a tunic, but she should be able to wear it for a couple of years and therefore justify my time and wasted money on making it.
This is the Orchid hoodie knit for my great-granddaughter, Jaley. The color didn’t work for Jaley, so it was given to the baby that my daughter-in-law babysits for Christmas; it was perfect for her. The little bugs on it look like a cross between dragon flies and butterflies. Usually, I can knit a child’s sweater like this in a week or less.
I pray you are all always happy, blessed, loved and healthy.
Have a God filled day,
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